What Is Insurance, Get To Know The Best Policies

What is insurance? 

The concept of insurance is very simple to understand. You pay a monthly or yearly fee to the insurance company to insure your life, health, vehicle, property, etc for a certain period. In return, the insurer pays for the financial damages in case of any harm to the insured person or object.

So you are transferring the risk of a financial loss you might experience due to life’s uncertainties to an insurance company for a small fee. For example, if you meet with a car accident and need to be hospitalized. Your health insurance policy will cover the medical costs for hospitalization. And, your car insurance will pay for the damages to your car.  Meanwhile, if you die during the accident, your family will receive a lump sum amount for your term insurance.

From arts to pets, there is insurance available for a number of things, and one should avail of insurance as per their needs and priorities. But there are 3 types of insurances that are most essential.

The 3 most important insurances are:

Life Insurance:

Life insurance financially protects your family in case you die an early death. Here is how it works. You pay a regular premium to the insurance company for a specific number of years. In return the insurance company pays a sum assured to your family if you die during the policy tenure.

There are different types of life insurance policies and in some of those, you get a lump sum amount if you live through the policy tenure. For example, term insurance provides higher coverage for a lower premium amount as compared to other life insurance policies. But no money is paid to the policyholder if he survives the term. Meanwhile, for policies like endowment or money back, the policyholder receives a lump sum after the policy tenure ends. For such policies, premium amounts are much higher against the coverage, as compared to term insurance.

Health Insurance:

Health Insurance is a way to ensure you and your family can get the best medical care without you worrying about the cost.

In a health insurance policy, the cost of medical treatment of the insured person(s) is borne by the insurance company. In exchange for a regular premium paid by you, the insurance company pays for all the expenses related to an illness for which the insured person needs treatment. This includes hospitalization, daycare, post, and pre-hospitalization, etc. And with the cashless facility, your bill is directly settled between the company and the hospital

Liability Insurance:

Such insurance is availed to insure properties, cars, businesses, etc. On buying a liability insurance -like car insurance, home insurance, business insurance, in case of any damage to the insured object or property during the policy tenure, the insurance company will financially compensate the owner of the policyholder.

Now that you know the important type of insurance, let’s talk about why do you need insurance.

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